January 13, 2025 | 13 Tevet, 5785 | Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 Portion: Shemos, Exodus 1:1-6:1 | Haftorah: Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23
Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 Portion
This Week: Shemos
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Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 Portion & Holidays

Ephraim and Menashe: Role Models for Jews in Galus
These divrei Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 were adapted from the hashkafa portion of Rabbi Yissocher Frand’s Commuter Chavrusah Series on the weekly portion: ##221, ...read more
Strengthening One Dooms the Other
Yisrael strengthened himself, and sat up on the bed.[2]
Open any edition of Mikra’os Gedolos, and you’ll find marginal annotations known as the ...read more
Living the Life
And Yaakov lived in the land of Egypt for seventeen years, and Yaakov's days, the years of his life, were a hundred and forty-seven years. ...read more
Straight Away
The Avos, the Gemora says, were called Yesharim, the Upright Ones, and that they were. Few, if any other peoples, have such illustrious ...read more
HafTorah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 Commentary Parshas Vayechi
Melachim I 2:1–12
The Value of Continuity
We rarely find a righteous king transferring the monarchy during his lifetime.
The ...read more
Parsha Summary for Parshas Vayechi
Note: The Shabbos Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person ...read more
HafTorah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 Summary for Parshas Vayechi
M'lochim I 2:1 The Talmud in Bava Matzia 87a tells us that Yakov Avinu [our father] was the first person to "get weak" prior to dying. In fact, ...read more
Tears of Joy
This week we read the parsha of Vayechi, completing the Sefer {Book} of Breishis. "Vayechi Yaakov {And Yaakov lived} in the land of Mitzrayim ...read more
Capital Decision
"A lion cub is Yehudah; from the prey, my son, you elevated yourself..." (49:9)
When the brothers brought Yosef's bloody tunic before Yaakov, ...read more
The Bedtime Prayer – Hamapil
The silly boy in the following story makes at least six mistakes. Can you find them? Can you think of how the story is connected with the ...read more
Other Articles

Chapter 2, Law 1 – Are We Really Happy?
Those who have physical illnesses taste bitter things as sweet and sweet as bitter. There are likewise ill individuals who hunger for inedible ...read more

Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 20-21: Patience with Others
Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is ...read more

Chapter 1, Law 7 – Jewish Psychology
And how does a person accustom himself in these qualities (i.e., the middle path of each character trait) until he acquires them? He should act ...read more

Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 14-19: Moderation
Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is ...read more

Chapter 1, Law 6(b) – Do We Really Want G-d? Part II
Law 5 (end -- see two weeks ago for entire text)
Nevertheless, we are commanded to follow the middle path in life. This is the best and most ...read more

Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 12-13: Patience
Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is ...read more

Chapter 1, Law 6(a) – Do We Really Want G-d? Part I
Law 5 (end -- see last week for entire text): Nevertheless, we are commanded to follow the middle path in life. This is the best and most ...read more

Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 9-11: From Student to Teacher and a Perfect World
Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is ...read more

Chapter 1, Law 4(b)-5 – Rational or Crazy?
Law 4 (end -- see last week for entire text)
Any person whose character traits all fall in the center, midway between the extremes, is ...read more
Chapter 6, Mishna 6: The 48 Ways: 5-8: Exhilarating Fear
Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is greater than priesthood and kingship, for kingship is acquired with 30 qualities, priesthood is acquired with 24, whereas the Torah 168飞艇开奖官网开奖 is ...read more